Tuesday, January 6, 2009

And In The Beginning

And In The Beginning................... So nearly 34 years ago...ok so it wasn't THAT beginning...but it was the beginning of our family.Merle and I met on a blind date. It's true! We were introduced by a mutual friend. Oddly, the same friend who tried to teach both of us, at different time times, how to ski by taking us to the top of the highest peak...for me it was 'The Grand Tetons' For Merle it was Park City UT, ...and saying "See you at the bottom!" Neither of us ever did learn how to ski...or even want to after that! That was the first thing we would have in common and we hadn't even met yet! (No, this friend did not become a Ski Instructor)So anyway...back to the night we met. It was on a beautiful warm spring evening in March 1974, in the small rural community of Lyman, Idaho, that I would ask Merle the most important question of what was to be our new life together... "So what was your name again?" Now here we are. All 19...and counting...


  1. Very fun mom. You couldn't sleep?

  2. YES!!! Blogging is fun and addicting! Woot woot! LOVE YOU!!!

  3. Hey, well done Mom. How come I can't read it? Your letters are tiny.
    Welcome aboard.
    Love ya.

  4. I want for Hymas Headquarter bloggage!!! LOVE YOU!!!

  5. Hi my name is Kate Hymas. I recently moved from Eagle Id to Utah. I recieved a call today from Shirly Flavel who used to be a neighbour of yours. She is celebrating her 90th birday and wanted to invite you. Her phone number is208-922-1809.Hope you can make contact.
